Friday 6 May 2011

the importance of dreaming

Dreams are the communication of our souls, our inner selves. Dreams serve as a messenger between the subconscious and the conscious. Dream recall can give us great insight to our current lives and often what is to come. 
I know a lot of people have trouble remembering dreams but you can in a way train yourself.
Firstly it is important to keep a note pad and pen beside your bed. Dream fragments fade away so quickly on waking that you need to be able to write it down before your body changes into awake mode. A dictaphone is another option if you are posh ^_^
Secondly, tell yourself (and therefore your subconscious) that you want to remember dreams, or anything important. Be warned though that this may mean random wake ups at 4am with a song lyric or an image in your mind. Whatever you wake up with.. a colour a sound a smell a random image. Whatever you remember write it down. Now you are your best judge of dream meanings. Something that is irrelevant to others may have great importance to you so firstly try and figure things out for yourself. If you have trouble then try and pick out elements or symbols to research. There is a fantastic site that is my first port of call dream dictionary it has great explainations of anything you could need. 
The next job is to piece those meanings together to form a cohesive story. I can't stress enough to write down every little detail. Many a time I have looked back over seemingly meaningless dreams and realised exactly what they were referring to.
You will also receive messages from the world of spirit, either from guides or family members or friends. People often describe these as 'being to real for a dream'.
If you have this awareness and interest in your dream state you will find that this will strengthen your ability for recall. It may even lead you to being aware of when you are dreaming and give you control over that dream. This is a fantastic time for going places you have always wanted to see or confronting issues and people that you may not be able to confront in life for whatever reason. This leads us on to astral travel but that is a whole different kettle of fish! (who would put fish in a kettle?!)
Keep on dreamin' ^_^

you are what you eat

If you find yourself on a path of spiritual unfoldment, either with a view to becoming a medium/psychic/similar or just to lead a more spiritual life then you will need to take extra special care of yourself.
Your body is a temple:
I have the body of a god, shame its a buddha.. that is my current state so I am really no one to preach, I am a food lover, what can I say! Whilst we are in these meat suits we call bodies we need to look after them. for obvious reasons like living longer, but also becausea healthy body is a more in tune body and if you wish to be a healer or to communicate with spirit you need a well oiled functioning machine.
Now I am not saying go out there become a vegan and live on organic rabbit food but I am saying be mindful of what you are putting into your body. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. When you eat artificial colourings, additives, fast food and chemicals watch how your body reacts, is it feeling light and energetic or heavy and sluggish? through this sense of awareness your body will communicate to you the food it needs to function correctly. Again I am no saint, but I try.. thats all we can do.
Educate yourself:
Find out about the food you eat, google has the answer to all of lifes questions these days it seems. You want to know what an ingredient is look it up.  I had to do this on many occasions as I became a vegan (now a veggie) and I didnt know what many things were. like gelatine for  example, sounds so innocent.. really not. There are also a multitude of documentaries on the internet about what goes into the food we eat. One I really enjoyed (well enjoyed is the wrong word) is Britains most disgusting food Although I warn you that you may need a strong stomach to watch it, it is well worth finding out about.
It is up to you the lengths that you take it, just look after yourself, ensure you get proper nutrition from what you eat. A healthy body is a healthy energy system which in turn makes a healthier connection to the worlds around us.

Recommended Viewing

Documetaries I have watched that taught me a lot or even just opened my mind to new possibilities:
Zeitgeist - three very thought provoking docu's covering subjects like 9/11, the beginnings of the Christian faith, who controls                                             money and therefore has all the power, how our planet needs to change in order to continue,. These three documentaries can                       be   watched by following the link
What the bleep, down the rabbit hole covers the complex subject of quantum physics, spirituality and evolution in relatable terms. This                                  can be watched on youtube here
The Esoteric Agenda- can be watched by following the link or watching it here on youtube
Life after life- is there life after death?
One, the movie-  Discusses the meaning of life from the view point of various religious leaders
10 Questions for the Dalai Lama- A fascinating insight of the 14th Dalai Lama the leader of the Tibetan people
And of course, Britains most disgusting food which I posted a link for under the 'you are what you eat' post

meditation discovery

I had a meditation last month that I would like to share. I found it to be very insightful and it was explained to me in a way that really made sense, made things fit together nicely, hopefully it will have that same effect on you too.
I was meditating with the aid of one of my crystals, Lapis lazuli. This blue stone of Egyptian origin often helps me with vivid visions and travel. whether that is its known use I don't know.
I was taken to a place that was magnificently picturesque. I guessed it to be Scotland, or how I imagine the scottish highlands to look. There was a vast expanse of water in front of me and cliff faces and greenery surrounding me.  There stood in the middle of the lake a large white column of white light (think star trek "beam me up Scotty"). I went through the water and rose up through the column of light when I reached the top of the light I realised I was without my body, I had simply left it behind. I was flying freely, it was such a sense of liberation I cannot even begin to describe. My guides voice interjected at this point.. "This is what it is like to be a free spirit without the confines of a body". I then found myself in a house that I grew up in as a child, the voice continued.. "this is how it is to be a spirit, think of somewhere and you are there, you can reside in two, or even three places simaltaneously". At that point I realised I was at the house, at the lake and could also see myself in my home, laying in my bed meditating. I was in three places, with full consciouness in each. I could see full detail of each surrounding. Again the voice continued.. "this is how spirits are, when we (meaning earth bound spirits/humans) see spirit we are merely seeing a reflection a hologram/projection. "
I hope that something in that reaches to you the way it did to me

Violet flame invocation

The violet flame is said to be the light of God. Now when people say God it makes me run and hide, taking me back to a Christian upbringing that I didn't and still don't believe in. But what is meant by the word god in this case is the highest energy.. the great spirit.. whatever you wish to call it. This is the light from the highest source, the top of the rainbow. It is the light of cleansing. It is called a flame as it burns away all of the old outdated ways, everything that doesn't serve you any longer, you can give it all up to the violet flame to be taken away.
Think of it as a spiritual alchemy, turning dull metal into brilliant gold, this is the aim of this flame. In the current state of our world the violet flame is becoming ever more important for the uplifting and salvation of our planet and the people on it. It's about striving to be better, to clear out the clutter and the negativity and make something good, make peace, make love and understanding.
A lot of people (myself included) see purple lights as a regular occurance, this is the light you are seeing. The Angel connected to this light is called St. Germain. Call on this Angel or visualise the highest of all vibrational energies, the voilet ray to cleanse you, to help you deal, to take away sadness and heal your wounds, restore balance and harmony. To give you greater understanding for those around you.
I am not about mantra's or chants or anything like that but for those of you that are here is the calling mantra:
I AM the violet flame
In action in me now
I AM the violet flame
To Light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God's sacred power
Freeing every one
It is best to repeat these in 3's. so it can be said 3 6 or 9 times etc. 3 is a powerful number in terms of spirit.
There is a wealth of information about this subject online. Youtube is chocka with meditations for it, Some that I find sickeningly cheesey, others quite powerful. Find something that suits you. I personally prefer just to close my eyes and imagine a violet light moving through me, clearing out all of the clutter. Its a great exercise if you are feeling really tense or p'd off, a great source of relaxation.
Here is a guided violet flame meditation that is quite relaxing :)

healing list

If anyone, or anyone you know is in need of healing, please either leave their name as a comment or send me a private message and I will send healing to them.

Ways to read tarot cards

There are many beliefs, superstitions and ways to read tarot cards. They are simply another form of divination, the same as a crystal ball, using a scrying bowl, runes, I-ching and so on. What is most important about any form of divination is finding the way that is right for you. The following is only the way that I read Tarot, it may or may not be the best way for you. Go with your instinct and your intuition, it will never let you down.
Firstly: make a nice home for your cards. Again this is all personal preference, some people keep them in a box some in a silk bag some wrapped in velvet with crystals. Whatever does it for you. Just treat them with respect. Here I have mine in a crocheted bag, I have celtic dragon tarot cards and the bag kinda reminds me of dragons scales. I like the purple as it is the colour of the third eye chakra and hence your psychic vision.

Here are my cards, its a 78 card deck with major and minor arcana.
In simple English the minor arcana are like a packet of playing cards, running from ace to king in 4 different suits.
The major arcana are 22 individual cards, often called the trumps.
Some people use the minor only, some the major. I personally use them all, seems pointless to waste them.

So now, there are many different types of layouts serving as different types of readings. ranging from a one card draw for an instant answer to a question to a 12 card calendar draw with a card showing each month for the upcoming year.
The layout I find most accurate and informative is called the celtic cross. Ask the person you are reading for to choose 10 cards, then lay them all out face up as follows:
1- Your main goal/ biggest wish
2- What is currently blocking your goal from being realised
3 & 4- your recent and distant past (3 being the distant) relating to the subject
5- your present
6- what is recommended to you at this time
7, 8, 9, 10 your future

How to make a cohesive reading:
Ok this is where a lot of people will disagree with me. I have had many a reading where the reader has just learnt the set meaning for each card out of a book.. oh the ten of cards means you are facing opposition from bla bla. Totally not relatable. The point of divination in any form is to allow your intuition and vision to flow freely. So find a deck of cards with images that work for you. let them tell you a story. Look at the picture and look at the cards around it. relate it to the position the card is in and let it flow. You will find yourself giving a very accurate and personal reading rather than a generic 'could mean anything' kind of reading. Doing readings this way you will also develop your connection to your intuition which will filter out into all aspects of your life.
Let me give you an example:
If you were doing a reading and these two cards came up in their future, you can see clearly that the left hand card shows an uphill struggle that their path is difficult but that there is a goal in sight, they are working hard but the reward will pay off and they are nearly there. After that you will see by the right hand card that their path becomes a lot smoother and easier, their hard work has paid off for them. This is a very simplistic reading of the cards but you get the idea. Its much more relatable than saying right ten of wands means...The Ten of Wands shows a man overburdened with the weight of a heavy load. He walks toward a town and seems to indicate someone who has just finished a harvest and is struggling to bring the fruits of his labours to market. its not quite the same is it?!

Card reversals: I do not believe in reversing cards, each card has a negative and positive side to it dependant on its placement, surrounding cards and just general feel of it.

So go out there, get your cards on. practice makes perfect ^_^

Forms of divination

Scrying is a technique where you use a blank/reflective  surface of some description.. e.g a mirror, a bowl of water, a crystal ball, stone etc to allow visions from your third eye to be seen. Imagine the surface like a projection screen and your third eye the movie player. together they allow for a clear image.
Now there are a multitude of things for sale. specifically made  bowls for scrying, a shed load of crystal balls in every size imaginable, but I am a cheap ass, as I am always on a low budget, so why pay out for things that are not required? Its just as good to lose focus and look at a blank wall, gaze into your fire, get a bowl out of the kitchen and fill it with water. You see many years back time was passed doing things like gazing into fires, there was so many more in tune individuals because they didnt have the level of distraction we have in life. How many people do you know that dont watch tv? that arent addicted to computer games or some other form of brainwashing media? All of these things stop us from just being, from just exisiting and being in tune. Take time out to just relax. Dont try too hard, dont force yourself, just allow yourself to space out. if you see anything, excellent write it down for analaysis later, if you don't then don't worry it will come with time.
To analyse what you see when scrying just follow the same as the directions I gave for working out dreams, its all the same. its all symbols, everything has a meaning. Your mind communicates in images so pay attention to what you see. however seemingly insignificant it may seem I can bet that it will fit perfectly when you research it.
If you are someone that meditates you will see that this is just another path to the same place. All of these things link in  and you will be drawn to whatever works with you. If you haven't found the right thing yet, just keep looking. Everyone has a niche.
go forth and scry, scry, scry. You can practice by asking it questions. Or another idea is to put fresh water in a bowl. ask someone to put their finger in it for 30 seconds or so and then see what you can pick up from the water. It now contains that persons energy and will hold images and symbols about their life at the moment.
This is also the same as good old fashioned tea leaf reading. I don't know that many people drink loose tea any more. but if they do give it a try. Once they have finished their drink, turn the mug upside down onto the saucer, turn it anti-clockwise 3 times (3 again, the magic number) and turn it back up. Look in the tea leaves, do you see images the way you do when you scry? It is meant to be that the nearer the image is to the lip of the mug the closer it is to the present.
Good luck, have fun and don't give up  ^_^