Friday, 6 May 2011

Forms of divination

Scrying is a technique where you use a blank/reflective  surface of some description.. e.g a mirror, a bowl of water, a crystal ball, stone etc to allow visions from your third eye to be seen. Imagine the surface like a projection screen and your third eye the movie player. together they allow for a clear image.
Now there are a multitude of things for sale. specifically made  bowls for scrying, a shed load of crystal balls in every size imaginable, but I am a cheap ass, as I am always on a low budget, so why pay out for things that are not required? Its just as good to lose focus and look at a blank wall, gaze into your fire, get a bowl out of the kitchen and fill it with water. You see many years back time was passed doing things like gazing into fires, there was so many more in tune individuals because they didnt have the level of distraction we have in life. How many people do you know that dont watch tv? that arent addicted to computer games or some other form of brainwashing media? All of these things stop us from just being, from just exisiting and being in tune. Take time out to just relax. Dont try too hard, dont force yourself, just allow yourself to space out. if you see anything, excellent write it down for analaysis later, if you don't then don't worry it will come with time.
To analyse what you see when scrying just follow the same as the directions I gave for working out dreams, its all the same. its all symbols, everything has a meaning. Your mind communicates in images so pay attention to what you see. however seemingly insignificant it may seem I can bet that it will fit perfectly when you research it.
If you are someone that meditates you will see that this is just another path to the same place. All of these things link in  and you will be drawn to whatever works with you. If you haven't found the right thing yet, just keep looking. Everyone has a niche.
go forth and scry, scry, scry. You can practice by asking it questions. Or another idea is to put fresh water in a bowl. ask someone to put their finger in it for 30 seconds or so and then see what you can pick up from the water. It now contains that persons energy and will hold images and symbols about their life at the moment.
This is also the same as good old fashioned tea leaf reading. I don't know that many people drink loose tea any more. but if they do give it a try. Once they have finished their drink, turn the mug upside down onto the saucer, turn it anti-clockwise 3 times (3 again, the magic number) and turn it back up. Look in the tea leaves, do you see images the way you do when you scry? It is meant to be that the nearer the image is to the lip of the mug the closer it is to the present.
Good luck, have fun and don't give up  ^_^

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